Random and Important Questions. Read them all.
1. My fee includes all meals and snacks and water. Does that mean I bring no food or water at all?
Not exactly. First we request that each person bring 5 gallons of water. That’s just in case we have unforeseen water problems or run out suddenly. With 5 gallons each we are all covered for basic needs for a 24 hour period. So please, bring 5 gallons of water with you.
About food, there's no need to bring anything for your 3 meals a day. That said, people bring or prepare a favorite snack or beverage they like to have around and share. OR...
We also take requests on the camp food purchasing, so if there is something you’d like to see the camp have in stock, or something special you'd like to prepare on the playa to serve, you can request a purchase from us, or be reimbursed for you own purchases. Talk to Brian Walker: [email protected]
The same spirit applies to alcohol. Bring a bottle or a case of your favorite drink.
2. I’d like to help out with solar power stuff. How can I?
Most of the major solar power work is done in the 4-5 days leading up the start of the event. We aim to be 100% set up by the time the gates open at midnight August 29th. We take down most everything on Monday, September 5. So if you’re really interested in joining the solar crew and you’re not currently schedule to help out, contact Will Korthof directly.
Not exactly. First we request that each person bring 5 gallons of water. That’s just in case we have unforeseen water problems or run out suddenly. With 5 gallons each we are all covered for basic needs for a 24 hour period. So please, bring 5 gallons of water with you.
About food, there's no need to bring anything for your 3 meals a day. That said, people bring or prepare a favorite snack or beverage they like to have around and share. OR...
We also take requests on the camp food purchasing, so if there is something you’d like to see the camp have in stock, or something special you'd like to prepare on the playa to serve, you can request a purchase from us, or be reimbursed for you own purchases. Talk to Brian Walker: [email protected]
The same spirit applies to alcohol. Bring a bottle or a case of your favorite drink.
2. I’d like to help out with solar power stuff. How can I?
Most of the major solar power work is done in the 4-5 days leading up the start of the event. We aim to be 100% set up by the time the gates open at midnight August 29th. We take down most everything on Monday, September 5. So if you’re really interested in joining the solar crew and you’re not currently schedule to help out, contact Will Korthof directly.
3. Does Snow Koan Solar provide bikes, tents and other basic items?
NO. We assume that everyone coming to our camp who hasn’t been to Burning Man before has read the relevant parts of the official web site. Specifically:
The Survival Guide
First-Timer's Guide
You MUST read these over and been sure you have your basic needs covered.
Read about what to wear, what to ride, how to participate. It’s all there.
4. Where can I learn more about Nectar Village?
5. If we have a kitchen with refrigeration, do I need to bring a cooler for anything?
That depends. We are using just two refrigerators and one freezer for the whole camp.
Space needs to managed carefully. If you love having cold beer or soda whenever you want, you might want to have a cooler stocked with your goods. If you’re going to bring some items that needs to be kept cold: fish for sushi, champagne, fishing bait, whatever, you should have a way to keep it cold.
Otherwise, you're probably fine without a cooler.
6. Can I still invite more people to join our camp?
Nope. We're maxed out for this year. Sorry.
7. Why is the camp called Snow Koan Solar and not Snow Cone Solar?
Once the cone is empty, thirst returns 10 fold.